Vermont Public School Enrollment Distribution

Vermont’s public school students are not distributed evenly across towns.  The top 10% of towns by enrollment (roughly 25) account for 40% of all students statewide, while the bottom 50% of towns by enrollment account for 16% of all students.

The graph below arranges towns from highest public school enrollment (on the left) to lowest public school enrollment (on the right).  The "height" of each point on the graph represents the enrollment for that town, as measured by Average Daily Members (ADM).  As you can see, a relatively small number of towns with large enrollments account for a sizeable portion of Vermont's students (i.e. the left-most portion of the graph), but collectively, the much larger group of towns with 500 or fewer students account for an eqaul portion of Vermont's students.

Vermont public school enrollment distribution by school size in 2006

Copyright (C) 2006 by Ken Dufort